Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011

Car Infographics: Comparing the Fuel Consumption of the Average Car vs. the Average Human

Ever wonder how much food would be comparable to the amount of gas we use everyday? Okay, neither did we, but then we came across this infographic detailing just that. We may not eat as abundantly as the cartoon human (who’s surprisingly skinny considering all of the junk he’s consuming), but even that is no where near what it would take to fuel a car.

A car would need roughly 45,000 calories per day compared to our 2,000 calorie limit in order to get us where we need to go. This number is based off a gallon of gas being calculated as 31,268 calories and the average American using 1.4 gallons of gas per day. This may sound like a lot, but a car also sheds 1,125 calories per minute when traveling at 60 mph, compared to an average human’s 4.6 calories at 3 mph.

What this translates to is a bunch of numbers and conversions that would really lead us no where if we were to figure it all out. But the lesson learned in this whole thing is that if you want to eat even 1/15th of the amount of calories "consumed" by a man-made machine, then you better be ready to work just as hard to get rid of them.

Check out the rest of the infographic to get a more detailed breakdown of the fuel consumption comparison and remember to check back with us for our next installment in the Car Infographics series.

Car Infographics: Comparing the Fuel Consumption of the Average Car vs. the Average Human originally appeared on on Friday, 15 July 2011 17:00 EST.

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Archie Scott Brown Piero Scotti Wolfgang Seidel

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