Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012

How About a Revell 1/12 C6 Z06 Corvette?

I broke down this week and bout the new Revell 1/12 Mustang kit. I was apprehensive because I expected a toy like kit with a molded engine compartment, but after I saw a few post in this forum, I had to buy it. It is an outstanding kit with full engine detail that would also make it a great parts supply for the old 1/12 Mustang kit (if they ever re-release it.)

 I would love to see Revell release a C6 Covette Z06 or ZR1 of this quality in 1/12. What an awsome kit that would be!  Just think of the posabilities for the old 69 Camaro and 67 Vette kits!

Source: http://cs.scaleautomag.com/SCACS/forums/thread/994308.aspx

Birabongse Bhanubandh Lucien Bianchi Gino Bianco

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