Sonntag, 21. August 2011

32 Ford 5 Window WIP Quick Build (for me)

After being derailed from my building I decided to do a few quick builds to get back into things. My kids got me a few of the Revell 32 kits for Christmas so I decided that a relatively simple project might get me going again. The idea was to take the 5 window kit and build it pretty much out of the box. I dropped the front end down a bit more and other than some minor detail painting and plug wires it is pretty much going to be box "stock".

Started out slow and painted a few parts. The car will be dark blue with yellow steelies and tan interior.

Added a black wash to the wheels and caps to help bring out the details and the "windows"

Mock up pic shows the frontend brought down as much as posible with the kits tires.

First shot at using Alcad on this one. My cheep airbrush needs to be replaced, but worked alright for this build.


Kenneth McAlpine Perry McCarthy Ernie McCoy

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