So I decided that from now on I'm not gonna post anything as a w.i.p.
until I at least get to this stage, where body and chassis are joined
without me destroying anything in the process.
Having built nothing since my ' 62 Impala last fall except for a Revell
' 55 Chevy American Grafitti diecast, I was kind of in a bit of a slump.
Building a tri five seemed somewhat therapeutic, so since I'd yet to tackle
the Revell Bel Air kit I chose that one.
I wanted to do a nice box stock build of an austere Bel Air, like the kind
you would have seen around here back in the day, without the extra bright
work around the windows and as plain looking as could be.
Since the lip for the rocker molding was part of the body and I didn't feel
like sanding it off, that was the one exception I made with the trim.
We'll call it "dealer installed" in this case, he he.
I had just enough Model Master Tropical Turquoise left from the One Fifty
I built a couple of years ago to give the body a few coats, paint both sides
of the firewall and the dash, and POOF! that was it for that can. Since I'd
ordered it by mail which is the only way I could get some, I ended up
doing the rest of the interior with Boyd's Pacific Blue, which is close enough
that you'll never see the difference. I lucked out with the dark turquoise by
finding some Duplicolor Bright Aqua at the auto supply store, and it's just
about a dead on match for the factory color. It's just too bad the kit decals
are gray and not black, which would have made the whole interior color combo
factory correct.
I cut out the grill and sprayed the bumper with Alclad, as I'll be using the
photo etched pieces from my last AMT ' 57 Pro Shop kit for this one.
Lot's to do yet, but I'll get there before too long hopefully.
And finally, note the added clutch pedal. Yep . . . . I hadn't even got the
interior done before the whole notion of box stock went right out the bloomin'
More to come . . . . . . .
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